Climate Changes Global Perspectives
15.12.2022Lena Pfeifer, Molina Klingler, Hannah Nelson-Teutsch (Eds.) | Würzburg, 2022 | ISBN 978-3-95826-194-5 | € 27,80

Erscheinungstermin: 15.12.2022
Umfang: 196 Seiten
Format: 17 x 24 cm; Softcover
Schriftenreihe/Band: Challenges of Modernity / I
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN Printausgabe: 978-3-95826-194-5
Preis Printausgabe: 27,80 €
Global Perspectives
brings together creative approaches to representing environmental crises in a globalized world, which originated in an eponymous symposium hosted virtually by the University of Würzburg in August of 2021. This volume, and the unruly texts that claim space here, are written not only to question and challenge standardized patterns of representation, but also to contribute to undisciplining the genres and practices of traditional academic writing by exploring alternative representational form(at)s.
Climate Changes Global Perspectives is the first publication in the Challenges of Modernity series, which seeks to collect and make available projects of engaged scholarship in the humanities.
Lena Pfeifer,, is a PhD candidate and research assistant in American Studies and the Environmental Humanities at the University of Würzburg, Germany.
Molina Klingler,, is a PhD candidate and research assistant in American Studies and the Environmental Humanities at the University of Würzburg, Germany.
Hannah Nelson-Teutsch,, is a PhD candidate and research assistant in American Studies and the Environmental Humanities at the University of Würzburg, Germany.
Parallel erschienen als kostenfreies E-Book (Open-Access-Volltext, PDF):
DOI: 10.25972/WUP-978-3-95826-195-2
Lizenz: Dieses Werk ist unter der Creative-Commons-Lizenz CC BY-SA 4.0 veröffentlicht. > Würzburg
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