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Würzburg University Press



Maximilian T. P. von Andrian-Werburg | Würzburg, 2024 | ISBN 978-3-95826-236-2 | € 33,80

Untertitel: A Revised Integrative Model for Sex/Gender Differences and Its Application on Media Research

Erscheinungstermin: 21.05.2024

Umfang: xv, 177 Seiten

Format 15,5 x 22 cm; Hardcover

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN Printausgabe: 978-3-95826-236-2

Preis Printausgabe: 33,80 €



Few topics have been the subject of more controversy than those encapsulated by the terms "sex" and "gender". Social-cultural and biological-evolutionary argumentation patterns frequently clash and especially the public debate appears to be stuck in a stalemate between the two competing parties.
From a psychological perspective both topics appear deeply intertwined and are not easy to be separated. This study pursues an integrative approach to better understand the roots of differences best subsumed under the term sex/gender. It will become apparent that both nature and nurture variables interact and form the complex system of human behavior and experience.


Maximilian T. P. von Andrian-Werburg, Logo ORCID , geboren 1989, M. Sc. Medienkommunikation (Universität Würzburg)

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DOI: 10.25972/WUP-978-3-95826-237-9

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